Sunday, November 17, 2013

Anal Bleaching & Hydroquinone

I'm not saying you have thought about anal bleaching for yourself, but I am willing to bet the first time you heard the words "anal bleaching" together, it sparked up your curiosity.

Personally, I do not have any experience with anal bleaching. I have never had it done and I have never done it to a client. However, I am getting a lot of questions from clients about it lately, so I took it upon myself to do some research.

I found a video of Joseph Birdsong talking about anal bleaching. This video cracked me up, but I like awkward, dry humor. Joseph sums up everything you need to know about bleaching your biscuit. Enjoy :)

Hydroquinone: JB makes an important comment in this video about hyroquinone.. "banned in several countries, but not the USA!" Please do research on this ingredient, why it has been banned in other countries, and why it is in the process of being banned here at home.

Anal bleaching products are not the only thing you can find hydroquinone in. It is a very popular active ingredient in skin lightening products for your face. (FYI-I wouldn't suggest rubbing butthole cream on your face, unless it specifically states it is meant for multiple areas of the body) A lot of clients tell me their dermatologist perscribed them creams with hydroquinone for hyper pigmentation. There ARE alternatives out there.

My Pink Wink Cream is one anal bleaching cream I found that is hydroquinone free, and can be used on multiple areas of the body. **Please do your own research of any product and/or talk to your healthcare professional before trying.

Happy bleaching! *wink-wink*


Pamalee Perry LE

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for introducing the My Pink Wink Cream to your blog readers. When I first developed the product, my chemist informed me that hydroquinone may only be available with a prescription in the future. He recommended using skin brightening peptides instead. We recently came out with an Advanced Formula that has 3 times the amount of peptides for a stronger and faster result.
